Money Moves are personalized action steps to help you improve your financial wellness. These actions are initially suggested by the application, based on how you answer the survey questions. These can also be created by a coach.
While Money Moves cover a wide array of personal finance categories, each one includes a title and description that provides you with an overview of the task. At least one article is also included with each move providing you with additional information related to the task. Some Money Moves have points associated with them, so you can improve your financial wellness score by completing the task.
After you mark the Money Move as complete, you’ll see the survey question related to that specific task again. Your financial wellness score will improve based on your new response, rather than the actual number of points associated with that Money Move. This is because some people can put forth more effort than required and “jump” multiple levels.
For example, if the Money Move was to save $100 in 2 weeks but someone saved $1,000, they would skip the move of saving $1,000 (which would have been suggested next) and instead would move on to the next task. If 2 points were tied to the first goal of saving $100 and 2 points were tied to the next goal of saving $1,000, that person would actually receive 4 points, since they did both.
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